Serving in the Life of Worship
In the allegory of long spoons, there are two rooms, each with people seated around a round table, plenty of food, and long spoons. Why would one room of people be hungry and miserable while the other is full and happy? Well, the spoons are too long to feed oneself, so the room filled with self-seekers is hungry, while the room filled with people who sought to serve each other was full and happy.
As I have considered what a life of worship means, I have also considered what it means for me to help others consider a life of worship. And what better place to start than with the children in our church! Children are naturally curious and want to know more about the world around them. This presents a great opportunity to teach them about how all of us and all of creation was made for God’s glory (Children’s Catechism, #3). They can certainly learn about worshipping God at church. But I can also lay on the trampoline with my sons, looking at the light through the trees, and say, “Wow, can you believe that the God who made light and trees is also the God who loves you dearly?” Everyday actions from doing chores and homework, to participating in sports, dance, or gymnastics, to even using manners at the dinner table (yes, please!) can all be done for God’s glory!
But this doesn’t have to stop with helping our children see worship in all of life. When your friend at work, your roommate or spouse shares good news from their day, why not say (or if you’re feeling bold, sing!) the first line of the doxology? "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" Or in sharing the worries of the day, offer to pray for them and/or read a few verses from the Psalms with them (Psalm 34:4-10 and Psalm 121 are two of my favorites).
And when we serve, not only are we seeking another person’s benefit, but we ourselves are participating in a worshipful act. We can take joy that we are being conformed to Christ who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
So, in our focus on a Life of Worship, perhaps our prayer should be this: would God give us eyes and hearts to serve others. And while we do this, would others see in us an image of Christ that would cause them to worship our great savior who reigns forever! Amen.
As I have considered what a life of worship means, I have also considered what it means for me to help others consider a life of worship. And what better place to start than with the children in our church! Children are naturally curious and want to know more about the world around them. This presents a great opportunity to teach them about how all of us and all of creation was made for God’s glory (Children’s Catechism, #3). They can certainly learn about worshipping God at church. But I can also lay on the trampoline with my sons, looking at the light through the trees, and say, “Wow, can you believe that the God who made light and trees is also the God who loves you dearly?” Everyday actions from doing chores and homework, to participating in sports, dance, or gymnastics, to even using manners at the dinner table (yes, please!) can all be done for God’s glory!
But this doesn’t have to stop with helping our children see worship in all of life. When your friend at work, your roommate or spouse shares good news from their day, why not say (or if you’re feeling bold, sing!) the first line of the doxology? "Praise God from whom all blessings flow!" Or in sharing the worries of the day, offer to pray for them and/or read a few verses from the Psalms with them (Psalm 34:4-10 and Psalm 121 are two of my favorites).
And when we serve, not only are we seeking another person’s benefit, but we ourselves are participating in a worshipful act. We can take joy that we are being conformed to Christ who “came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
So, in our focus on a Life of Worship, perhaps our prayer should be this: would God give us eyes and hearts to serve others. And while we do this, would others see in us an image of Christ that would cause them to worship our great savior who reigns forever! Amen.

Will McKee
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