Women's Ministry
As I look back on this past year, I am so encouraged as I consider what God has been teaching the women of Christ the King through our retreat, Bible Studies, and fun events. We started the semester learning about the five women in Jesus' genealogy and how each of these women had their own messy story to tell. Their stories are some that most would not parade publicly because their stories involve shame, hurt, abuse, being an outsider, or being in difficult situations. Though these situations are not ones we would post about on our own family tree, God uses each of these women and their stories for his redemptive purposes to bring his Son into the world. Like these women in Jesus' family tree, we are reminded that God uses each one of our own broken stories and messy situations for his redemptive purposes.
We, the women of Christ the King, do not have it all together, and we do not come from the perfect family tree. We all come with different hang-ups and heartaches. While studying the Bible this year, we saw our own sinfulness in Judges and Philippians, and we saw our need for a King to rescue us. Courtney Garrett reminded us at the Spring Luncheon that Jesus is the rescuer who brings us true hope. Because the King came and died on the cross for our mess, we now live and die securely in the unwavering and abounding hope of the resurrection.
In the midst of our own broken stories, Christ is the giver of hope, joy, and freedom. Because of what Jesus has done on the cross, we have hope because sin and death no longer get the last word. We have joy that runs deeper than fleeting happiness and never runs dry. We are able to experience true freedom because we are clothed with his righteousness. He has redeemed you and uses each of our stories as a testament of his grace. As we move into the summer, I pray you are able to lean into this truth with your own stories.
This summer we will get to hear some stories of CTK women at Summer Salad Suppers where we will enjoy dinner with friends and listen to a Christ the King woman share how God has been at work in her life! I would love for you to join us!
We, the women of Christ the King, do not have it all together, and we do not come from the perfect family tree. We all come with different hang-ups and heartaches. While studying the Bible this year, we saw our own sinfulness in Judges and Philippians, and we saw our need for a King to rescue us. Courtney Garrett reminded us at the Spring Luncheon that Jesus is the rescuer who brings us true hope. Because the King came and died on the cross for our mess, we now live and die securely in the unwavering and abounding hope of the resurrection.
In the midst of our own broken stories, Christ is the giver of hope, joy, and freedom. Because of what Jesus has done on the cross, we have hope because sin and death no longer get the last word. We have joy that runs deeper than fleeting happiness and never runs dry. We are able to experience true freedom because we are clothed with his righteousness. He has redeemed you and uses each of our stories as a testament of his grace. As we move into the summer, I pray you are able to lean into this truth with your own stories.
This summer we will get to hear some stories of CTK women at Summer Salad Suppers where we will enjoy dinner with friends and listen to a Christ the King woman share how God has been at work in her life! I would love for you to join us!

Mary Henley Green
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