The Children's Ministry seeks to come alongside parents in the spiritual discipleship of their children in order that they will love God, love the church and love their neighbor.

Sunday Mornings
9:00 am
Nursery Care
(8 weeks - PreK)
Children's Worship
(Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)
Nursery Care
(8 weeks - PreK)
Children's Worship
(Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)
10:30 am
Nursery Care
(8 weeks - 1 year)
Sunday School
(2 years - 5th grade)
Nursery Care
(8 weeks - 1 year)
Sunday School
(2 years - 5th grade)
Upon arrival, you will see a sign for "Children's Check-In". Our staff will be there and ready to get you settled.
Children's Worship
Children in Kindergarten – 2nd grades attend the first part of the 9:00 am worship service in the Sanctuary with their parents and are dismissed after the passing of the peace to attend Children’s Worship.
While children are in the Sanctuary, our children’s worship notes are a helpful way for them to participate in the worship service. The handouts are provided at the entrance to the Sanctuary.
While children are in the Sanctuary, our children’s worship notes are a helpful way for them to participate in the worship service. The handouts are provided at the entrance to the Sanctuary.
Sunday School
We use the Gospel Story Curriculum for all ages. Children go through the Bible once every 3 years, learning how every story points to the saving work of Jesus.
Nursery Care
Nursery classes are available during both worship services. We have a nursing mothers’ room on the 1st floor the nursery hallway. The worship service is live-streamed in this room for your convenience.
Baptism & First Communion
If you would like more information regarding scheduling a baptism or first communion for your child, please contact Shannon Holland.