Men's Ministry
Last week, over 50 men came together for our first Men’s Summer Social. As I looked out at the crowd of men in lively conversation, laughter, and joy, I couldn’t help but be amazed at the incredibly diverse landscape: we had retirees and newly marrieds; not-yet-members and 25-year veterans of our church; fathers and sons; musicians and engineers. The indoor conversation was so loud at one point that several of us had to move outside just so we could hear each other!
Men, I’d like to encourage you as you continue your summer, but inevitably begin to look toward the start of the school year and the Fall: make the church a priority. Let your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors see you make the church a priority. Yes, above all else, make Sunday worship a priority. If that means re-arranging your work or travel schedules; if that means saying no to certain activities for that day; if that means going to sleep earlier the night before; let those around you see that your life (starting with your time) belongs to and revolves around God.
There will be several opportunities this next ministry year (August-July) where you will be able to meet other men, journey through life together, and learn to love and serve one another. We will have our Bible Studies as usual, but will also have monthly breakfasts, social events, and, Lord willing, a retreat next Spring. If you’re new to our church, or have been waiting for an opportunity to jump in, this is it!
In short, commit to showing up. Come with an open mind and see what the Lord will do with your commitment.
Men, I’d like to encourage you as you continue your summer, but inevitably begin to look toward the start of the school year and the Fall: make the church a priority. Let your family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors see you make the church a priority. Yes, above all else, make Sunday worship a priority. If that means re-arranging your work or travel schedules; if that means saying no to certain activities for that day; if that means going to sleep earlier the night before; let those around you see that your life (starting with your time) belongs to and revolves around God.
There will be several opportunities this next ministry year (August-July) where you will be able to meet other men, journey through life together, and learn to love and serve one another. We will have our Bible Studies as usual, but will also have monthly breakfasts, social events, and, Lord willing, a retreat next Spring. If you’re new to our church, or have been waiting for an opportunity to jump in, this is it!
In short, commit to showing up. Come with an open mind and see what the Lord will do with your commitment.
Andrés Zelaya
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