The Incarnation & Embodied Worship
January 4th, 2024
At Christmas we marvel at the stunning truth that God himself moved into the neighborhood. Far from being a footnote, the incarnation completely transforms our understanding of who the Lord is, how he...  Read More
by Mary Catherine Montgomery
Giving at Christ the King
December 18th, 2023
Several weeks ago, I was talking with a fellow church member who had just purchased a new car. As we were talking about makes and models and how they decided what to buy, he said a profound thing to m...  Read More
by Ryan Dolibois
The Silber Road Soccer League
December 5th, 2023
This year I have spent time reflecting on our church’s focus of Life of Worship. What typically first comes to mind is the act of gathered worship during Sunday services. As I have reflected on it m...  Read More
by Jared Daniels
Look to the Birds! They Can Point You to Worship.
November 29th, 2023
Birds are everywhere; singing outside your window, sitting on a power line, flying overhead, hopping across a sidewalk. Perhaps you don’t notice them in the busyness of your day, but an incredible d...  Read More
by Vicki Stittleburg
Therefore, Let Us Keep the Feast!
November 20th, 2023
In the church where I grew up, there was a rack of pamphlets at the back of the sanctuary. Among the topics covered in them, one in particular was memorable to me. It described what every denomination...  Read More
by Rob Hays
A Little Christmas Worship, Right In Your Own Front Yard
November 14th, 2023
This year, those of us at Christ the King are being called to a more vibrant life of worship, a life of worship that spills out and can even be shared with others. I don’t know about you, but often ...  Read More
by Jan Dollinger
Building Brave Families
November 8th, 2023
I first learned about David Thomas and Sissy Goff when I started listening to their podcast called Raising Boys and Girls. At the time, they were doing their first podcast series on the different ages...  Read More
by Jessica Gray
Preparation as an Act of Worship
October 31st, 2023
Sunday mornings are not for the faint of heart! Everything is going to go wrong on a Sunday morning– car batteries die, the marathon blocks your route to church, shoes go missing, or worse, on your ...  Read More
by Shannon Holland
From Worry to Worship
October 24th, 2023
My oldest child has pointed out that I keep a large number of tabs open on my devices. He will kindly swipe them closed for me, but not without counting how many are simultaneously occupying the space...  Read More
by Chrissy Trapp
Loving Our Neighbor As An Act Of Worship
October 19th, 2023
Living our whole lives as an act of worship probably looks absurd to the unbeliever and yet seems perfectly natural to those who know the redemption of Christ.Believers know the free gift of eternal l...  Read More
by Michelle Hon
Whose Truth?
October 11th, 2023
The current war in Israel and Palestine is another horrific reminder that at any moment, life as we know it can be turned upside down. There have been many such reminders in our world lately. Jesus te...  Read More
by Ashley Clark
Worship Through Reading
October 4th, 2023
How incredible that God reveals himself to us through his written word so that we can know him, glorify him and enjoy him forever! And that he created our minds with the ability to read -- now we just...  Read More
by Michelle Hays